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Five Steps to be Genuinely Happy

Have you already read hundreds of posts, blogs or books concerning things on how to achieve a happy life but still, you feel depressed, stressed out and feels like the sunshine is playing hide-and-seek with you? Stop. Yes, stop right now and see and feel the beauty of things and people surrounding you. The fact of waking up in the morning is indeed something we should be thankful and be happy of, for He gives us again another day to change and be who we want us to be.
Well, I am no happiness expert but these simple steps on how to live life and be happy are now helping me. I know these will help you too!

What do I mean by accepting yourself?
Sometimes, our past may be hindering us in accepting ourselves. Our past can be as dark as the night; but in reality, it is God’s way of telling us to be strong and His way to teach us things in life.
By accepting yourself also means forgetting the past, forgiving yourself and moving on. Try to open your true self to people who really matters in your life, like your family and closest friends. By this, you will exercise the idea of not needing the approval of the society to who really is the real you.

If you already accepted who you really are next thing you need to do is to find your passion.
Ask yourself, what REALLY is my passion in this life? Do I love to draw, write, swim, dance or sing?
Think. Contemplate. Find your true self. Look back on the days you feel happy and important.
Because by the time you already know what your passion is, you can use this as tool in achieving happiness because you love what you do.

Still don’t know what your goals are? Try looking back at step two. This will help you know your goals in life; for passion is directly involved in your dreams in life.
   A goal that is written is merely a wish. –Anonymous
Yes! That is true. We have to put all the goals that we have in order for us to be motivated and really feel the determination to put our goals in to action.
It just feels so right to wake up in the morning knowing exactly what you will be doing for the day and thinking it will be those things that you want. So,never give up. Follow your dreams!

Yes, surround yourself with relationships or people who will push you to the top, who loves you more than you know and will help you become a better person. Eliminate people who really don’t care; who, instead of helping you, are constantly pulling you down and make you see your life a miserable one.
Never ever settle for anything less.

Step Five:           DO NOT FORGET HIM
Have you ever felt having an empty heart? That feeling of having anything you want but there is still something missing? Try to pray. Read the Bible. Try to know this higher God waiting for you to acknowledge Him.
We may have everything we want in life such as businesses, money, cars, houses and many more but if we don’t believe in the power of the Higher Spirit, we can never be really happy in our life.
Feed your soul of His words. Surround yourself with Godly people and be truly happy to worship Him.

Happiness is in your hands. It is never on the hundreds of blogs you read about happiness and life; it is not as well with the job you have or the money you earn. It is all about you. Think positive. Happiness is a journey; not a destination.
Five Steps to be Genuinely Happy Five Steps to be Genuinely Happy Reviewed by Pia on 11:55:00 PM Rating: 5

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