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Another New Year's Resolution

I know this is kinda late but I want to still greet every one a happy and prosperous new year to all!

So.. What do people do or make when new year comes? 

Thinking? Yes! You are absolutely right! 

It's none other than "My New Year's Resolutions". We all want to be better in our life in one way or another and when is the best time to be better? Of course, now! However, it is very common and popular to have new year's resolutions that is why I am also listing mine here.

Here are some of my New Year's Resolutions:

1. Love God above all things and people

            I really want this to happen in my life. Not just this 2014 but for my whole life. My 2013 has been a great year for me because I have established a personal connection with God. This year, I really want to put God first in my list.

2. Devotion everyday

            I believe that in order for me to be closer spiritually to God, I need to read the Bible and reflect on His words. I want to align my heart to His that is why I am aiming to devote my time to knowing more of Him everyday.

3. Arrive on time

            I admit that I am always late especially when going to work, school or even just meet ups with friends and family gatherings. And I hate the feeling. So this 2014, I will be working on this. I plan to arrive 10 minutes before the scheduled time. (Really praying for this! Hard job it is! lol)

3. Exercise and One - Rice only policy

            37 kgs - -  this is my weight when I was in my college years. I just can't move on because I am 55 kgs as of the moment! Worse thing too is that I am just 5 feet. Not proportion indeed that's why I am doing my best to lessen this and remain to 45 kgs only. I have to exercise more regularly to avoid additional unwanted fats!

4. Save and Invest

             Save for tomorrow and invest! I need to save money amounting to six months of my monthly salary. This is called emergency fund. We will never know what will happen tomorrow that's why we have to save for this. After saving for an emergency fund, I plan to invest my money (aside from my emergency fund) to a small business and stock market.

5. Be a "DO-IT-NOW" person

             I am a multi-tasker. I thought I can save more time from being one. However, what I don't know is every time I multi-task, I forgot some more important things that I need to do first. I also tend to be demotivated when I do several things without even completing one. Ending is I procrastinate all things that have to be done. So, I will try my best to be a 'Do-it-now' person. I want to be the most productive person that you will now. Lol.

6. Make time for your love ones

            Sometimes, I tend to forgot to make time for my love ones. This year, I want to be close to them again and make them feel loved especially my Mother who takes good care of me until now. 

I actually still have many resolutions written in my notebook but I guess this is enough for this blog. Let's see what will happen at the end of this year. 

Another New Year's Resolution Another New Year's Resolution Reviewed by Pia on 11:12:00 PM Rating: 5

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